Saturday, September 24, 2011

Bucket of Chocolate Popcorn: Goldsrc vs. Source

     A lot of you readers might be wondering "What happened to Bucket of Chocolate Popcorn" Well, the show is canceled due to low ratings. Yes, I will be making no more, I will still be making YTPs, but so far, that just doesn't seem possible.

      I did have more fun making Bucket of Chocolate Popcorn: Source, for one, I actually could make more creative sketches, Spy Kills use actual ragdolls instead of an image I pulled off Google, and as of Episode 5, I could actually write some of my Counter-Strike Fan-fiction. BOCP:S is something I like more than the other series, because I could actually do way more that before. I could record stuff instead of using pre-recorded media. 

     So in conclusion, I think the Source far surpasses the Goldsrc. And I will not be making it ever again. Source still goes on.

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